Linear Algebra Done Right in Coq: The First 24 Hours
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Aspiring math/CS wizard.
At CEEALAR (the EA Hotel) working on a small project related to the Cooperative AI agenda, writing some Ethereum code for a friend's get rich quick scheme, and grinding math/CS.
I host the Technical AI Safety Podcast, for computer scientists to talk about their papers. I stream Linear Algebra Done Right in Coq every Sunday at 2p et. Coq is a proof assistant and dependent type theory popular in the formalization of mathematics.
Some old questlines
Social Media Analysis Toolkit
Our targeted userbase is researchers and activists who specialize in disinformation, radicalization, and election meddling. The app queries public social media data and serves visualizations and datasets. I seeded the codebase and was largely responsible for early iterations of the app. Check it out on GitLabCOVID-19 Hospital Impact Model for Epidemics
Discrete-time SIR modeling of infections and recovery. I was a programmer and project manager on the team (view PRs)- Matt Yglesias:"IHME vs CHIME is the only debate that matters now."
- The Washington Post: "Coronavirus peak in D.C., Maryland, Virginia: FAQ on why models differ"
I was an artist before I was an aspiring computer scientist
Some really old questlines. I was a composer, theater artist, improvisor, and all around organizer in Philly's music scene 2013-2016.
I assembled a libretto, composed music, and designed the set for this piece in 2013
In 2014 I was a composer and producer (all around logistics/coordinator) on this feature film by Carman Spoto.
In 2015 I commissioned and premiered on guitar this piece by Jesse Austin alongside Michael Tan on piano
Significant book recommendations
Epsilon-Delta Proof for the Pythonista
And the hypothesis testing framework
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Induction Principles
Induction, sometimes called mathematical induction, is a tool for reasoning about countably infinite structures.
Commonly, we can use something called a “proof by induction” to verify facts which reside in infinity.
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